VOCs form an odor-print for a disease
Dognosis is working with one of nature’s most sophisticated olfactory sensors - the dog’s nose coupled with proprietary sensors and ML models to detect diseases. Leveraging canines' biological intelligence for sensing and AI for decision making.

What is the Volatilome?
The volatilome is a combinatorial pattern of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by a biological organism. This VOC profile forms an “odor-print” that can be detected in sweat, urine, and breath.

A Proven Link Between VOCs and Diseases
40+ years of peer-reviewed literature provides evidence that diseases change the volatile organic compound (VOC) profile of an individual.
Communicable Diseases in VOC include such as:
- Malaria [Cambau and Poljak, 2020]
- COVID-19 [Hag-Ali et al., 2021]
- Bovine viral diarrhea [Angle et al., 2016
Non-Communicable Diseases in VOC Profiles include such as:
- Various types of cancer [Guest et al., 2021]
- Neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s [Rooney et al., 2023]

Odor-Print Consistency
This odor-print is consistent across individuals for a specific disease [Hu et al., 2022, Mazzatenta et al., 2015, Moura et al., 2023, Vernia et al., 2021, Broza et al., 2015].
With an advanced sensor, a specific disease volatilome can be accurately identified by the odor-print emitted from an individual.
Dogs are the best disease scent detectives on the planet
Humans have relied on the incredible noses of dogs for millennia. Militaries, police forces, and airport security continue to rely on them in the life-or-death situation of explosives detection.
Scientific Evidence
We have known dogs can detect diseases in experimentally blinded conditions for 20 years, and 50+ studies have re-confirmed that they perform with superior quality and speed to our best lab equipment.
Disease Detection
Currently, evidence exists that dogs can detect 28+ diseases in real-time with a high degree of accuracy (Jendrny, 2021, Guinness World Record), including:
- COVID-19: Accuracy better than RT-PCR (Hag Ali, 2021)
- Multiple cancers: Guest, 2004, 2021
- Bovine viral diarrhoea: Angle, 2016
View Reports
- Canine olfactory detection and its relevance to medical detection
- Olfactory detection of human bladder cancer by dogs: proof of principle study
- Feasibility of integrating canine olfaction with chemical and microbial profiling of urine to detect lethal prostate cancer
- Could rats and dogs detect disease better than the finest lab equipment?
BCI and ML - Translation from biological to digital information

Disease Detection
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) utilize advances in cognitive neuroscience to convert mental activity into actions in the physical or informational worlds. A BCI system consists of:
- Sensors to measure brain activity
- Signal preprocessing and feature extraction algorithms to process data
- Machine learning models to translate processed data into predictive outputs
As different stimuli evoke differing brain responses, with high enough resolution and sufficient data, BCIs can be used to reverse engineer brain activity patterns through the use of encoding-decoding brain models.
Recent Research Studies
Canine EEG Studies:
Our groundbreaking technology stack transforms canine olfactory genius into quantifiable disease detection:

- Our proprietary canine brain-computer interface, translating dogs' cognitive responses into digital data.
- The system captures high-quality EEG signals through 8 channels at 1000Hz, using either wet or dry electrodes.
- Each device is custom-fitted to individual dogs, ensuring optimal signal quality and comfort without invasive procedures.
- DogOS is an integrated software platform that collects multimodal data from DogSense, cameras, and embedded and wearable sensors, cleans and synchronizes data and runs signal processing algorithms.
- It serves as an interpretative core by running multimodal machine learning models to provide real-time predictions based on canine neurobehavioral data.

SniffSpace is an olfactory console for biomedical detection dogs fitted with an automated breath sample management system.
It integrates sensors, IOs, and automations to facilitate efficient movement of breath samples thereby ensuring replicable and accurate analysis by trained detection dogs. SniffSpace significantly enhances the throughput and reliability of canine-powered diagnostics, providing a standardized and scalable process from sample presentation to data collection and analysis.

SniffSpace is an olfactory console for biomedical detection dogs fitted with an automated breath sample management system.
It integrates sensors, IOs, and automations to facilitate efficient movement of breath samples thereby ensuring replicable and accurate analysis by trained detection dogs. SniffSpace significantly enhances the throughput and reliability of canine-powered diagnostics, providing a standardized and scalable process from sample presentation to data collection and analysis.
Peer Reviewed Publications from Dognosis